At Renmark medical Clinic our doctors are experts in managing chronic medical conditions including diabetes, heart disease and kidney disease just to name a few. Your GP can advise you on whether you are eligible for a GP Management Plan.
What is a GP Management Plan?
A GP Management Plan (GPMP) is a Federal Government initiative that can help people with chronic medical conditions by providing an organised approach to care. A GPMP is a plan of action you have agreed with your GP. This Plan:
- Identifies your health and care needs
- Sets out the services to be provided by your GP; and
- Lists the actions you can take to help manage your condition
To ensure continuity of care with your GP, we have structured our patient booking and recall system to facilitate regular reviews with your GP. These reviews can be conducted at 3, 6 or 12 monthly intervals and ensure that you see the same GP at these appointments, don’t run out of prescriptions, get appropriate referrals and investigations (blood tests, radiology tests etc).