Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander Health Assessment (715 health check)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders are eligible to have a free health check. This assessment can help you to better understand your health and help you access follow up services to improve your overall health and wellbeing. This extensive health check is bulk billed by the government every 9 months.

Within this health check you will be allocated 40-60 minutes with a health practitioner to discuss family history and concerns regarding own health. You may also have your blood pressure taken, blood test, urine test and height and weight. Preventive testing such as ECG (test that shows how your heart is beating), ABI (checks blood flow in legs), and Spirometry (lung function test) will be performed.

Once this assessment is complete your doctor may inform you about other ways to help look after your health by suggesting services such as cardiac testing, vision and hearing testing, and mental health referrals.

It is important to tell your doctor if you identify as aboriginal and/or Torres Strait islander to ensure you have access to health care you might need. 

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