Healthy Heart check

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Australia. Heart attacks and strokes can be prevented through healthy behaviours such as eating a heart healthy diet, be active, maintain a healthy weight and being smoke free. Having a healthy heart check is the first step to protecting your heart.

People aged 45-79, individuals with diabetes from the age of 35, first nations people from the age of 30 are all eligible to have a healthy heart check.

A healthy heart check involves a 20-minute appointment with a nurse where an ECG, blood pressure check, height and weight will be completed. Followed by a 15-minute consultation with your doctor who will collect relevant information which will help to understand your risk of a heart attack or stroke in the next 5 years

Your doctor and nurse can support you to make positive changes to lower the risks. Your doctor will let you know how often you need to have a follow-up healthy heart check. 

65 Thurk Street, Renmark SA 5341

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